When considering the most significant events in Marble Falls over the course of the last decade, the flood of 2007 has to rank at or near the top of that list. While many challenges arose in the flood’s aftermath, one very bright spot has to be the addition of Matt and Kelley Homeyer to our community. Matt was called as the Pastor of Fellowship Baptist Church in June of 2007—they moved to town just three days after the “rain bomb” hit our area.
Kelley grew up in Vernon, Texas and graduated from Baylor in 2003 with a degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders and minor in Spanish. She received her masters in CSD in 2004, also from Baylor. She worked as Speech Therapist for Scott and White Hospital in Temple and Hill County Special Education Co-Op before moving to Marble Falls.
Matt grew up in Kenedy, Texas. He graduated from Baylor in 2003 with a degree in Speech Communication and minor in Religion and then graduated from George W. Truett Seminary in 2007 with an M.Div. Matt was the Youth Minister at FBC Hubbard, TX while in seminary, before moving to Marble Falls.
Matt and Kelley met while students at Baylor and were married in 2005. They have two children, Brooks (4) and Addison (2). The enjoy supporting the Marble Falls Mustangs and take advantage of the hiking, swimming, and other activities amply available in the Hill Country and Highland Lakes.
Matt has served as Chairman of the Executive Board for Christian Women’s Job Corp and on the Coordinating Council for the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship in Texas. He is also an organizing member of the Baylor Alumni Association of the Highland Lakes and is currently pursuing his Doctor of Ministry degree from Truett.
Kelley has worked as a bi-lingual Speech Therapist for Marble Falls ISD since the 2007-08 school year. She has worked part-time since Brooks was born. Kelley actively volunteers in the Children’s ministry of Fellowship Baptist Church and helps coordinate Camp Shine, a summer opportunity for worship and educational enrichment for local students hosted at Fellowship.
Matt and Kelley each grew up in small towns where they were the third generation of their families to graduate from the local high school. They have an ingrained appreciation for deep roots and appreciate the uniqueness of small town life.
When asked about what they like best about the community, Matt responded:
“In my opinion, Marble Falls is the ideal spot in Texas to live and raise a family. It remains a close-knit community which has retained many of the endearing aspects of a small town, but has grown enough to offer many amenities of a larger city—including multiple educational models for kids, many extra-curricular options for all ages of kids, growing job opportunities, great restaurants and entertainment options, etc. When you throw in the hills, the lakes, and the overall beauty of the area, it is hard to imagine a better place to live and raise a family!
As a parent, I am excited to see the City of Marble Falls improving local parks, running trails, sports fields, and the swimming pool. We hope to continue to see a responsible vision for growth that increases job and educational opportunities for all segments of the population while maintaining the welcoming culture of Marble Falls that has embraced our family with open arms over last six years.”
We welcome you to come and meet Matt, Kelley, and all of the other talented people in Marble Falls—the EDC would be happy to make the introductions.