Quick Poll: Marble Falls Population


The Development Services Department for the City of Marble Falls recently compiled some population estimates based on Texas State Data Center information, as well as active residential meters and occupancy rates.  The baseline was set at 6,077 people, which was the official count from the 2010 census.  As of January 1, 2015, the population of Marble Falls is estimated to be 6,337.

Keep in mind that these figures are for the permanent population within the city limits of Marble Falls–it does not include Meadowlakes, Granite Shoals, Horseshoe Bay, Cottonwood Shores, or any other surrounding communities.  Regionally, the population of the Marble Falls area (within 10 miles of town) is just under 30,000 people.

All of this brings me to my quick poll question(s):

What do you think the population will be–in Marble Falls or in the region–five years from now?  Ten years from now?  What do you think the population should be?

I look forward to your thoughts.