If you have ever considered investing in Marble Falls, now is the time to pull your money off the sidelines and put it into play. For starters, there has never been a more economically prosperous time in our community’s history. We announced last week that gross sales during the First Quarter of 2014 established a new record. Taxable sales over the last twelve months total more than $354 million—again, this is the highest number ever recorded in Marble Falls. There is an abundance of available real estate. Land prices, while not inexpensive, have not increased in the last decade. Interest rates continue to be artificially low to encourage investment. There are many factors—local, regional, and national—that contribute to this being a wise time to invest.
At the same time, the needs of the Marble Falls community have never been so substantial. You would have extreme difficulty visiting five businesses in town without encountering a “Help Wanted” sign. Businesses that want to expand are unable to do so without increases in the quantity and/or quality of the labor pool. The labor pool cannot expand if there are no places for workers to live.
Housing in Marble Falls proper continues to be a challenge. Every apartment complex in town is at least 90% occupied; the newer properties are full with wait lists. The Baylor Scott & White hospital will be hiring hundreds of employees during the next year, but many of those people will have to live outside the area because of a lack of available housing. Of the thirteen properties that are currently for sale in Marble Falls in the $170,000-$260,000 range, six have contracts pending. The seven without contracts have a median construction date of 1983 and range in price from $90-$120 per square foot.
Putting your dollars to work in Marble Falls now will leverage your resources for everyone’s benefit. Waiting to enter the market, however, will only increase the likelihood that someone else will beat you to an investment opportunity.
The final point I would like to make while I’m being picky (or bossy, whichever you prefer) is that the investment I am trying to elicit from you is not a passive investment. I don’t want you to buy land and sit on it while things develop around your property. I want you to put something on the ground, go vertical, bring a business partner to town, move here with your family. Develop your entrepreneurial spirit. Build something, start something, be a part of the community.
Get in touch with us to see how we can help—we look forward to partnering with you.