Marble Falls EDC allocates funds for downtown plaza project
The Marble Falls Economic Development Corporation unanimously approved a construction plan for the 209 Main Plaza project during a special February 18 meeting.
The plaza would be located in the public space on the southeast side of the intersection of Third and Main streets.
The first step of the plaza design is removing asphalt that lines the former police department building and installing a lawn area with four new trees and a stone pathway.
The EDC allotted $20,000 for the construction plan for this part of Phase 1. The EDC and a team within the city are working with PLACE Designers to produce the concept for the planned downtown plaza at the corner of Main and Third.
The plaza, once all phases are completed, according to the proposed plan, will contain a splash pad, chess tables, a water wall and more greenery. The area already has Harmony Park, which features several outdoor instruments.
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